Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So....wow...haven't done this in a while! I guess I'll just jot down some random thoughts before class starts....
1. THANK YOU for making my Birthday so special, everybody who was involved in even the smallest way...
2. I have decided that to get the best out of my chapel services here at vfcc, and attitude of expectancy is completely necessary....I noticed this because...well, I guess I'll just tell the story...
So, Sunday night I heard that Dr. Dippold (my FAVORITE professor) was speaking in chapel. As soon as I heard this, I was immediately excited for chapel the next day was was EXPECTING great things to happen...now why can't I be like this all the time? What is that invisible wall that holds me back? Expectancy. I know that when you are tired, busy, and your body aches, it's hard to be excited for anything...and yet...if you just take that little bit of your mind and say "God...I'm EXPECTING you do do something great today and I KNOW you will", then how much more freely can God work? Now...take that times 853 (vfcc student population)...what kinds of things could happen? Just a thought....
3. So, I have started lifting weights. I know. But since I made Chosen, the traveling team, I realized that i really wanna look good. Not ripped...just physically fit. And boy...am I paying for it...and yet....it's that pain that feels good? I don't know if you have ever had that...but it's a great feeling.
4. I have just realized that, in this world of IM'ing and FaceBook, I have a hard time remembering to capitalize letters and put apostrophes....
because i could type a sentance like this much faster because i dont have to worry about moving my hands off the keys...its much faster...
5. My little sister is an AMAZING artist of whom I am SO impressed....if you don't believe me, ask her to email my bday pic to you....keep in mind that shes (there i go again...she's) 12 people....that thing looks amazing and I was BLOWN AWAY when I opened the attachment...
6. Hi mom! just in case you are wondering...i now weight a little over 160, am eating healthy, and am putting on muscle. Not wasting away as you might think... :D

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