Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mom, Dad, and Nay.

Well, this is the second time in my life that I've done Thanksgiving without you...and I hate it. I miss you all so very much...Mom, remember our annual day after Thanksgiving shopping dates?How we used to outlaw Dad and Nay because they were so SLOOOW!! Remember that year that I went and picked up the two guitar hero's and you came and met me to pay for em? Great memories... Dad, do you remember on November 21 going at 12:00 AM to stand in line for my 360 to get it the day it came out? How COLD it was?! We got escorted through Best Buy and everything! That was so much fun...wish we could do it all over again... Renee, I still remember one year mom came a little bit later in the morning to get some stuff on black Friday and I asked where you were, and mom said "Oh, shes asleep!" I got home, woke you up, and we went out shopping at the mall!!
I miss you guys so much...this really isn't a holiday without you guys around. It's just another day of the year that I miss you more than normal. You truly make the holidays holidays, and without you, they aren't nearly as much fun. I can't wait to see you in less than a month for Christmas!


  1. When I was at CBC, Thanksgiving Day WAS always a tough day. I also terribly missed being at home.
    I DO remember our College Class Sunday School teacher having us all over to his house. It was OK, but just not the same. Wow, you guys did the midnight Black Friday stuff?! Mary Ann has done that once or twice and I believe Jon has joined her. I don't think I'd ever get near a mall on Black Friday!! I usually do most of my Christmas shopping on Dec. 23! Back around 40 years ago, when big city downtowns were the place to shop on Black Friday, my mother and sister had their picture snapped at Jordan Marsh in downtown Boston and were on the front page of The Boston Globe on the next day! Ryan, keep your chin up, as they say....or as a you keep your chin down....?!

  2. wow honey you make me feel so special. I love you so much and because of you I give a special thanks on Thanksgiving and every day!

  3. Hi Ry-ry!!
    I am SOOOO excited to see you too!! Don't worry
    I am just a phone call, Skype, AIM, or plane ticket away!! I miss you too!It will be fun to be together at Christmas !!
    I love you!
