Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lord, Grow me. Do whatever it takes...I open myself to you completely. Let the past be the past and the future be in your hands. Let me trust you with all my heart, I give it to you. You and you alone hold it in your are the reason it beats. I pray that I would no longer dwell in the past, as you are the God who completes my present and directs my future. Take me, mold me, and grow me into the man you want me to be. God, you have known my life since you created the universe, every day, every moment. God, you have planned every relationship that I've ever had. AND you even know HER NAME!!! You have created my world, and it is perfect. Jesus, keep joyful, not sad. Keep me confident, not prideful. Keep me loving, not downtrodden. Keep me pure, not sinful. Let me be who you want me to be, remove the "I" 's from my mind. It is about you, not me...take me and let me be flexible. Let me not be controlling or angry, but let me gracious and kind. You have created me with a purpose, so let me live in your image. Let me feel you with me every second of every day, that your presence would be ever present with me. That when people see me, they would see you. That when I open my mouth, YOU would speak. That when I reach out my hand, they would grab yours. I give myself to you. I am no longer my own, I am yours. Do with me what you want, wherever you want, and in your timing. That I would step in the footprints you have already placed, that I would follow your path. You are the just and true, loving and gracious. You have never given up on me, no matter the mistakes I make. You have made me for a reason. Let me never grow content or fulfilled in you...that I would never be stagnant. I need to continue to grow until my final breath, for that breath is yours. That your word would be in me, that I would be on my mind constantly. I desire to dwell in your presence no matter where I am. That I would be transparent, not fake. I ask that through me, people would thrive. It isn't about me. My life isn't about me. It is about you. I love you, and yet you still love me more. My life is not random, and your plan for me is perfect. Let me not doubt what you have for me, and not doubt the person you have made me. Remove fear, in the name of Jesus. Remove doubt. Remove pride. Remove anger. Remove my controlling spirit. Remove every speck. Make me a man in your image. I am yours, and you are mine. You are not God of my parents, or of the generations past, but you are a God of my own. I pray that I wouldn't try to put you in a box but that I would be open. That Jesus, you wouldn't just live in my heart, but that you would live in my mind, my arms, my legs...that you would fill me up. Let me overflow with you. That I would make a constant joyful noise through you, and that you would hear me. You aren't a God who looks down at me, but you are a God who looks me in the eye. You meet me face to face, exactly where I am. I rebuke these fears that I have about my future, I rebuke this feeling of loneliness. You and YOU alone complete who I am.  That I wouldn't not harden my heart to other because of something that has happened before, but that I would be gracious. Let me never hold a grudge, and never treat another lower than myself. I need you more than I did 5 minutes ago. I long for your presence, I long for your spirit. Guide me throughout my days. Take me. All of it. The good and the bad. It is all yours. Let me be completely transparent before you. That I would not try to hide behind a mask. Let me be content in who I am, because it is you that placed me here. You don't make trash. You don't make junk. You don't make mistakes. Though the world is far from perfect, you are. And I praise you for who you are and what you do. Though it may seem hard, sometimes it feels like you can't take another step, you pick up my foot and place it on solid ground. All other ground is sinking sand Lord...and you are the Rock in the middle. Let me make an impact. Let me be like a city on a hill. You are the creator of the universe, and yet you choose to be my friend. You CHOOSE to draw close to me when I call. You are my father AND my mother. You not only teach me how to live, but you also heal my wounds and hold me close. You choose to let me cry on your shoulder. And you wipe my tears. And for all of this I praise you. I praise you for who you are. Let every move I make be a blessing to you. Every word be a melody unto your ears. I pray that as I lay my head, that you would fill it with you. Remove worry, fear, depression, or rejection. It is not of you, and I rebuke it. You are my father...hold me close. Thank you for giving me a reason to move, a reason to sing, and a reason to dance. You give me a reason to use my giftings for you. You give me life, and you give it to me in the fullest. 

Goodnight Jesus...

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