Thursday, June 10, 2010

Let's jump in.

Wow. It's been a while since I've done this....time to get back into the habit. Let's jump in head first.

While in process of reading "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan (it's an OK book...kinda basic and vague), I've been thinking a lot about the Holy Spirit in my life. Specifically, in how I lead worship. Until now, I think that I have viewed Him as a sort of thing that when people want him, He'll show up in service. But as of lately, every time I go on stage, I pray specifically for me to be a faucet for the Holy Spirit. A conduit that He is free to move through and interact with. Without Him, what I do is worthless and small. But through His interactions in my life, The Spirit changes lives. I want my whole life to be a circuit for The Spirit. I don't want to limit Him to only on stages or when people are watching. I desire to walk step by step with Him. What if every single decision that I make was fashioned and directed by Him. We need The Spirit. We need to stop with all these "programs" for how to do worship. No more "say something moving to yank people into a responding mood". Why can't we say "Holy Spirit, move through me. What you want to say, say it through me. Direct thoughts and lives through my ministry." I'm tired of seeing these new equations come about. Lets forget about them all and say "You know what, You are welcome here. Move as you please." How about we try it and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. make me desire the Holy Spirit more in my everyday life, not just when in performance mode...Good blog son!
