Monday, February 8, 2010

Close these doors...

How often do we pray "Lord, just open doors!!". Right now, I'm praying quite the opposite...for the last year, I have been growing so much, and just craving for God to do some things in my life. Now all of a sudden, I don't know which way to turn. There are so many things calling for my attention; so many people who want pieces of me here and's exhausting, tiring, and somewhat confusing. So I pray "God, guide each and every step. Close the doors that need to be closed and open the ones that need to stay open."
God, I don't want to hurt peoples feelings; I don't want to miss out on great opportunities; I just need you to show up. Clear up this mess of things in my head...let me not burn bridges, but live in expectancy. Help me to KNOW which things you have placed and which things that I have placed in priority. I am at a standstill, and my thoughts keep me restless. Give me a sound mind, pure righteous decision-making, and Your love and wisdom. Without it, I am truly lost. Without you, I continue to run in circles, jumping from thing to thing, with no plan and no future. I need you to reveal to me exactly what I need in every situation. Make me a true chaser for Your heart...

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