Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Year: A reflection on 2009.

...Facebook statuses. Who knew that by reading all of my status updates from 2009, I could remember so much. The good; the bad. The fun; the tough. And yet, after looking back, God had it planned from the start. He knew about it ALL beforehand. And I still struggle to trust him? Ironic, isn't it? That we can look back and say "Lord, it was all your plan" and yet we can't put our lives into his strong hands. Oh, how I have changed in a year. 2009 was most definitely a year that I will look back on as the year that I started to grow up. How funny is it that such a short section of my life can bring the biggest changes. When January 1st 09 came around, I had my own idea of how it was going to go. And how far off I was I could have never seen. While being one of the most fun years of my life, it was also by FAR the most difficult. And yet God is still in control of it all. The biggest lesson of 09? Don't throw stones; they get heavy so quickly. Take the high road; you may not see the benefits quickly, but overtime, the righteous are blessed. It is so very difficult to do, but it is worth it.
So for this year, I'm not even going to try and make ideas of how it's gonna roll. I'm going to sit back and say "Lord, have your way. I trust you." I'll do my best to roll with the punches, to learn and let go. 2010 is bound to have its troubles and blessings, but through it all, You remain my constant. You truly are the heartbeat I long for. Nahum 1:7...the theme of 2009, and my desire for 2010.

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