Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Let's go back to the start...

Life. You feel you've got it going, that everything is going great...but you get hit with a curveball. It's easy to get bitter; so easy to get angry. But why bother.... It doesn't fix anything. I choose to look at myself, see what I did wrong and fix it. Maybe I will get a second chance, maybe not. But regardless, I do it for ME. If I fix myself, the rest will fall into place. If I deal with my issues, others' won't seem so bad. Yes, it's my fault. But I intend to fix it. I won't rest until I'm different. I won't be content till I have changed. And if that chance never comes again, I'm still better because it crashed the first time. If life hadn't dealt me a curveball, I wouldn't have seen the issue in the first place. 

Father, help me. You know me, and you know my personality and all of my shortcomings. You know my issue that I have with anger, and of how it controls how I treat the people. I ask that as I go about my day, that you would help me change the way I act. I pray that you would give me a loving heart. That when I get frustrated, I wouldn’t take it out on others, but that you would give me peace. I need you to remove this controlling attitude that I have and that I would no longer feel that I am entitled to always being right.  I pray that you would develop these changes in me and that others would see it. In your name, Amen.

Now you see it too. If you read this, and happen to see me...ask me if I've prayed today. Who could make a difference in my life. 


  1. Amen, brother. Keep seeking His face daily and things will keep looking up!

  2. Ryan, thanks so much for your openness and vulnerability. May God bless you and may you see your prayer regarding this issue richly answered. You are wise to allow God to begin to deal with this stuff NOW. I'm dealing with the same issues at 54 - issues that I should have allowed God to deal with years ago.
