Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stop this Train...

Stop this train
I wanna get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in

Once again...the perfect lyric. Sitting here in my bed the night before I say goodbye to my family. Again. It's seems as if all we ever do is say goodbye to eachother. Family is such a precious thing. Here I am, entering my final year of college. One more christmas as a family, and then who knows. Where will I be next christmas? Will I be with my family? Or will I be working as a pastor somewhere unable to be with them for the holidays. As a child, all I wanted was to grow up. To graduate. To get a job. We always want the future...until the future is right in front of us. Sitting here on the brink of what I will become, I look back and think to myself "Man. If I only had a few more years. Just more time where I can be with my family when I want. When I can spend time with them without having to plan ahead. Without having to pay for a plane ticket. Without booking in advance." I'm gonna miss coming home from school to my parents home making dinner. It's gonna be tough when all I want is to hug their necks, only to know that they are thousands of miles away. Life is changing...moving...going and going...chugging along like a freight train. It can't be stopped and it can't be slowed. We move at a hundred miles an hour only to look back and wish we had walked instead of ran. Mom, Dad; Thanks. For growing me. For showing me how to act. For speaking into me from the beginning. You saw my giftings and allowed me to hone them. You saw my faults and showed me how to improve them. Even now, you pray over every aspect of my future and desire for me to succeed. Renee, you are a fantastic young woman. You are growing up more and more everytime I get to see you. Don't stop working hard. Don't lose your kindness. You are gonna do some awesome things in the future, and I'll be proud of you every step of the way. I'm not really sure where to end this...maybe like this. Though we seem to say goodbye an awful lot, it just opens up another opportunity for a fantastic hello down the road. Another opportunity to spend time with you. Another time where we can just talk and love on eachother. And the more I say goodbye, the more excited I am for the next time.


  1. Ryan,
    You're a very gifted writer, and have a huge heart. Yes, life IS like goes by very fast. It seems to me like your Dad and I were JUST in our 20s at CLC Walpole! When I was at CBC, Professor Opal Reddin (a great woman of God) gave a powerful chapel sermon from Acts 26 entitled "I had a vision". She talked about what the call of God can cost, and one thing is being separated from loved ones. I thought of that as soon as I read your post. So many kids grow up with good parents in good Christian homes and do not appreciate it, but I am so glad that you do. Your Dad is very wise and very gifted. I learned a lot from him, and I still greatly value his counsel and wisdom. I believe God has special things ahead for you. God bless you, Ryan!

  2. Honey, the honor was all yours to "raise you" You are and have always been true joy. Keep pressing into your Father God. He knows, He understands, He loves, He IS....everything you need today and tomorrow. I am so proud of you and who you have become. Always praying for you son....

  3. (3rd time trying to post)
    Ryan, Your Aunt Debbie is very proud of you. Your blog always shows how much closer your relationship with your Father is becoming. You have your own unique writing style. Both you and your mom's writings can bring me to tears and give me thot's to ponder.
    We Seler's have a long history of having to say goodbye, wishing time spent together could be much, much longer. You are right in that the goodbye's make the hello's so much more precious.
    We are not your mom and dad, but U.E., U. Dar, and I are looking forward to spending the day with you. (How will I handle 3 men?!?!) Let us know when a good time would be.
    We love you. Let me know if you need anything.
